Eureka SpitFire Camping Tent
camping tents
The Eureka! outdoor gear company takes the comforts of the multi-man tent, scales it down for convenience, and voila! The Eureka SpitFire camping tent is ideal for the solo mission where comfort and convenience are key. Weighing only 2 lbs. 12 oz., the SpitFire tent is really easy to pack up and hit the backcountry. Inside, the tent maximizes space while keeping the compact factor in check. A floor area of 9’ by 3’ 6” by 2’ 2, a peak height of 40 inches and extra storage space in the vestibule are just enough to accommodate one happy camper. The SpitFire tent is easy to pitch on your own, featuring a two-pole hoop design. The tent body is made entirely of No-See-Um mesh, allowing for fresh airflow in, while the bathtub floor and taped seams keep moisture out. The SpitFire camping tent retails for $104.90. Eureka!Your email address will not be published.
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